Our expertise and our connections is our pride. Tekela will secure on the following cornerstones:

a) Business Consulting

  • FDI linkages locally and regionally
  • Local business linkages into parastatals and private sector
  • Transaction management
  • Feasibility, opportunity and economic studies
  • PPPs designs, implementation and management
  • Market and finance access for businesses
  • Investment anchoring and management

b) Management Consulting

  • Project Management

Research Design, Implementation and Analysis – Qualitative, Quantitative (including quasi experimental and RCT • Participatory research • Capacity building (NGO, government, business) • Social Impact Assessments (Baseline, Midline, Final; ESIAs, PEAs) • Development of social accountability mechanisms; social safeguards • Development of monitoring tools and strategies • Database Development and Management (for qualitative and quantitative data) • Project Management and Technical Assistance for multi-country evaluations • Training module development (videos, presentations, manuals) • Training and workshop facilitation (virtual or in-country) • Desk Reviews / Literature reviews • Proposal-writing

  • Advocacy

Stakeholder engagement, Organizational change and association transition, Digital marketing and social media engagement, Content strategy, delivery and execution, Project management of campaigns, Education development, Thought leadership, Opinion leader development, Issue preparedness & management, Seminar development